Can CBD Help With Symptoms of Hay Fever?

Spring fever is real if you are one of the 13 million people in the UK that suffer from hay fever.

The days are getting longer, the birds are chirping, and the buds of trees are finally starting to reappear after a long, cold winter. Many of us are likely feeling the call to get outside, but if you suffer from hay fever then Spring is the season when the runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and itchy skin react in full force due to an allergic reaction caused by breathing in plant pollens which are abundant when plants are spreading their seeds. When people who are allergic to certain pollens breathe them in high numbers, the body treats them as a harmful substance which leads to an inflammatory response.

How is Hay Fever generally treated?

There is no cure for hay fever, but one of the most common OTC (over- the -counter) treatments is antihistamines, which can alleviate some of the symptoms as they block the effect of histamine. Unfortunately, they carry many unwanted side effects – the most common of which is drowsiness which can affect your focus and make you feel tired all the time. Other common remedies include rubbing Vaseline round the nose to ‘trap’ pollen before it enters the airways to boosting the immune system with garlic or consuming chilli peppers which contain an active component called capsaicin which opens the nasal passages, helping to reduce congestion. However, there are some promising preclinical studies that show that CBD could also be used to help hay fever sufferers, with fewer debilitating side effects.


If we look at our body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS), we'll see that its important function is to ensure the homeostatic balance of the body. Since the ECS supports the immune system, CBD 's well-known anti-inflammatory properties may prove invaluable during hay fever season as it works to reduce inflammation and ease any swelling or irritation thus limiting further histamine production.While more research is needed, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that CBD can in fact ease some of the annoying symptoms that make our hay fever worse like stress, anxiety, itch and sleep disruption. CBD can be used as a safe and natural alternative to prescription medications plus unlike antihistamines, that it helps restores balance in the body and does not pose a risk of addiction.

30ML - 1500MG / 15ML - 750MG (2.5MG DROP)

CBD ENERGY Oil, 750MG, 15ml, 1500MG, 30ML

Many allergy sufferers' stress levels increase due to the nagging discomfort of the cold like symptoms. Biogenic’s Full Spectrum ENERGY CBD oil is blended with anti-inflammatory and calming Ayurvedic herbs plus powerful phyto cannabinoid-terpene ingredients that work synergistically to balance energy, reduce cortisol (stress hormone) and increase serotonin (happy hormone) whilst ensuring that you absorb more CBD.

15ML - 2000MG (6.7MG DROP)

CBD CALM Oil, 15ML, 2000ML

Refreshing sleep strengthens the immune system and well-being; whilst this is not directly related to allergies, but can be an important piece of the puzzle for allergy sufferers. What makes Biogenic's Full Spectrum CALM a best seller is the fusion of potent Ayurvedic herbs and the interaction of the powerful cast of phyto-cannabinoid- terpenoids which increases the therapeutic effects of CBD in promoting relief from muscle and joint pain, to reducing anxiety, and supporting a healthier sleep-wake cycle.


CBD produces different effects depending on the quality of the CBD and the dose — hence its biphasic nature. Biogenic Full Spectrum Premium Oils taken in lower doses may promote alertness, focus, and reduce tiredness throughout the day, whilst larger amounts may deliver sedative effects. So, if you want to optimise your energy, take a low dose of CBD in the morning up until the afternoon – and follow up with a larger dose in the evening, about 1 hour before going to sleep.

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