Get Your Gut Going - how to have a happy gut
‘Taking care of your body no matter what your age is an investment’ - Oprah Winfrey
The gut plays a very important role in your body, it is the first interface with the external environment – what you take in your body goes to the gut. 70% of your immune system is in the gut – a surveillance mechanism which enables you to listen to your body.
Skin problems also - if you cannot eliminate through the gut, faeces or kidneys, then through the skin.
There are many studies linking inflammation to Autoimmune Conditions. Inflammatory foods – processed foods, fast foods, trans-fats, sugar, alcohol etc can over time create an inflammatory response and lead to chronic illness. Try to avoid these and adopt the approach of life by the 80/20 rule. You are what you eat! Certain healthy foods are inflammatory in certain individuals – peppers, tomatoes, aubergines – ‘nightshade’ foods.
Pay attention to what you are eating – keep a food diary- observe any symptoms. Do an elimination of these foods, for three weeks to get rid of any residues of foods from the system and gently reintroduce them over a three-day period to monitor any flare-up or return of symptoms.
Rotation of foods is very important – every three days. Avoid eating the same range of foods. Try one new food every week. This helps to introduce variety, reduce incidences of food intolerance and help to avoid inflammation.
With meat and dairy - choose organic if possible. Know what your food is eating! Check out the dirty dozen, the clean fifteen – less pesticide residue. In relation to vegetables -if you can’t peel it – opt for organic! For other foods always read the ingredients list on food labels – if you need a science degree to decipher what you are eating, put it back on the shelf!
Healthy Gut Foods:
2. Avocados - produce short chain fatty acids, which are fuel for the gut microbiota, in turn making neurotransmitters, enzymes, and protein- body-building tissue for repair and renewal. Salad vegetables are especially important.
Here are some top tips for maintaining digestive wellness.
1. Eat a more plant-based diet to up your fibre:
Increase your fibre and water intake to feel better fast. Fibre acts like a sweeping brush for the gut. Fibre is found in plant foods such as fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods, but also in nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes. The easiest way to up your fibre intake is to eat a variety of colourful fruit and vegetables at every meal. Eat a rainbow every day! Aim to fill half your plate with vegetables at dinner time and eat potatoes with the skins on! Add a tablespoon of seeds to breakfasts or salads, beans or lentils bulk up a stew or soup. Snack on some nuts for an energy boost. Stewed apple is great for your gut.
2. Eat Probiotics:
Yoghurt, Kefir, Kombucha, Miso, Kimchi Sauerkraut and Tempeh all contain natural probiotics, which help increase the ‘good’ bacteria in your gut. They also help with weight management, keep your digestion healthy and boost your immune system. To keep gut bacteria thriving, you need to feed them so eat plenty of plant-based foods. Start with a teaspoon and build up. Buy or grow your own!
3. Add Prebiotics to your diet:
Prebiotics are types of fibre found in foods like leeks, cabbage, bananas, apples and nuts, to name a few. They can help to promote the overall health of the gut and may also play a role in immune function.
4. Chew well and eat slowly:
Digestion begins in the mouth and chewing your food well is a very important part of this process. Food should be almost liquid when swallowing. Remember your stomach doesn’t have teeth! Drinking with food or eating too quickly increases the swallowing of air, leading to gas build-up and bloating. Take about 20 mins to relax and enjoy your meal.